вівторок, 28 жовтня 2014 р.

The Possessive Case

Group 1 TM! Refresh your knowledge about the Possessive Case!
Присвійний відмінок, або належність предмета особі чи тварині передається додаванням апострофа і закінчення -s: boy’s books.

1. Якщо слово закінчується на -s, -ss, -x, то до слова додається апостроф і закінчення -s, або просто апостроф: Max’s books, Max’ books.

пʼятниця, 17 жовтня 2014 р.

Education in the USA

 Group 1TM! Take this information and replace it into your copybooks!
The US educational system is much decentralized and schools vary greatly from state to state. There are three levels of subsidizing of education: federal, state and local. They subsidize 3-5 per cent on a federal level, around 20 per cent on a state level and 70-80 per cent on a local level.
There are 15,000 school districts which are different in size. A school district is governed by the Board of Education/School Board/School Council which is elected every two years by the residents of the school district. Members of school boards perform their responsibilities on a volunteer basis, that means they do not get any salaries. They are to define the policies for the administration of the school district. Teachers, in turn, decide about the program and approaches of teaching.

четвер, 9 жовтня 2014 р.

September, 21, 2014

Group 1 TM! Please, take the necessary information on page 4, "English For Colleges" (граматичні правила про вживання займенників та форми дієслова "to be")!!!